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A Heartfelt Father’s Day Note From Emily Trebek


Fathers around the world deserve a day of adulation for tackling such a crucial role. Today we honor those fathers by appreciating all that they do and the unique memories they help create. Emily Trebek, Alex’s daughter, shared a particularly memorable moment with us about her father:

“When I was little, going to work with my dad was one of my favorite things to do. In our downtime on set, I loved to color and would often draw him several pictures and hang them all over his office as decoration. One morning, I drew him this ‘World’s Greatest Dad’ sign. He’s kept it on the front of his office door ever since, even 18 years later. I’m so proud to be his daughter. He is the most caring and supportive father and truly is the World’s Greatest Dad.”

Here’s to all the fathers who cherish their children’s macaroni necklaces and adolescent artwork. Happy Father’s Day, Alex Trebek! Keep making memories.