Sony Pictures Sony

Featured J!Buzz


Skyler Hornback: "That Boy that was on Jeopardy!"

From Season 29

After my episode aired in July 2013, it was incredible how supportive the residents of my hometown were of my success. I was invited to appear on local radio stations and television segments, and people would come up to me in public places and ask, "Were you the kid that was on Jeopardy!?" It was strange at first. I mean, I even had one person pick me up off my feet outside a restaurant in Louisville once. However, my appearance on the show did open a lot of doors, as I was able to buy my first vehicle when I turned 16 and to travel abroad to Greece and Italy during my junior and senior years of high school. I am currently pursuing a degree in chemical engineering at the University of Kentucky. I still get recognized from time to time, even five years later, and I guess I'll always be known as that boy who was on Jeopardy!