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Jennifer Giles: "Jeopardy! Travel Adventures"

From Season 31

Winning the Season 32 Teachers Tournament allowed me to do two things I love: give back to the community and travel! I had the opportunity to do things I would not have otherwise been able to do, like invest in a local business and donate to organizations such as BCAP (Boulder County AIDS Project) and Developing Hands (providing relief to Nepal following the 2015 earthquake). I also was able to start sponsoring a sixth grade Guatemalan girl to assist with her studies. My Jeopardy! winnings also allow me to travel, something I adore! I have added Norway, the UK, Cuba, Kansas, and Guatemala to my list of places visited, and I will be in Italy this spring and Switzerland later this summer. It has been an amazing adventure, one I could not have begun without the help of Jeopardy!