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J! Easter Egg: ‘Star Wars' Fans, Who Shot First?

It’s not unusual for the writers to have some fun with themed categories on the Jeopardy! gameboard. However, it is a rare occasion for them to use the space to declare themselves firmly on one side of an argument that has divided friends, broken relationships, and been the subject of heated debate for more than 20 years.

Today, one of our writers – who shall remain nameless for the purpose of his or her own personal safety – has used two categories to do just that:


Of course we’re talking about “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” and the controversy surrounding the infamous Mos Eisley shootout. In the scene, Han Solo is confronted by bounty hunter Greedo, sent by Jabba the Hutt for his capture. Once Greedo has Han cornered, egos and lives are threatened, blasters go ablaze and Greedo ends up dead. With the 1997 special-edition release of the film, new frames were added that slightly altered the narrative of this scene, and the debate among fans ensued: Who started the savagery? Who shot first?

With no official confirmation from – or affiliation to – George Lucas, “Star Wars” or Disney, at least one of the staff has declared their allegiance to Team Han. Said the writer, whose initials are John Duarte, “Han never would have fired unprovoked. Anyone who says he would is a nerf herder!”

We should note that the views of the writers do not necessarily reflect those of Jeopardy!, the game show. No writers were harmed in the production of this episode.

May the force ... oh, you know.