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Featured J!Buzz


Behind the Scenes: Alex in Galápagos

We get to shoot clues in some incredible places, and our partnership with Lindblad Expeditions has allowed us to explore the Galápagos Islands — along with some lucky sweepstakes winners! Take a look back at our shoot in one of the world's largest natural marine reserves.

There’s no shortage of wildlife in Galápagos. A Darwin’s finch paid Alex a visit while he was shooting a clue with sea lions. (The clue wasn’t used on the show, but you can see it here!)

In between takes, Alex and Jimmy took full advantage of the playground that is Española Island.

On Bartolomé Island, Alex joined a sea lion in quiet contemplation.

Alex channeled his inner mountain goat and navigated some precarious rocks on Genovesa Island. Anything for the right shot!

There’s a lot more to Galápagos than beautiful water. Alex led some of his fellow travelers on a hiking expedition.

Alex stopped to enjoy the view during his hike along the rocky shore.

Is that a penguin over there?!?! The crew had to act fast to capture footage of a penguin for a special clue shoot. See Alex’s feathered friend and peek behind the scenes of the shoot here.

After a day of hard work and adventure, Alex and sound engineer Russ Fisher sped back to the ship on a Zodiac boat.

That’s a wrap! After shooting their final clue, the Jeopardy! crew relaxed in front of Pinnacle Rock on Bartolomé Island.