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Alex Trebek Recounts an Early Christmas Memory

by Alex Trebek 

By the time I was 12 years old, I knew that gifts marked “From Santa” actually came from a lot closer to home. So, each year, it became a challenge for my sister Barbara and me to find where they had hidden our presents. I am proud to say that I was better at discovering their hiding places.

One Christmas, we found two packages wrapped exactly the same, one for each of us. I unwrapped them very carefully, and we found that we were each going to get a watch. For some reason, though, the package with my name on it had a girl’s watch in it. Barbara wanted us to switch the packages, but I said, “No, it might be a trap,” so we re-wrapped each present and put them back.

On Christmas, when I opened my package, my Mom saw the watch and quickly grabbed it out of my hand and said that was for Barbara. So, we had no need to worry.

Do you have a memorable Christmas story you’d like to share with us? We’d love to see! Share it on Instagram and tag us @jeopardy.